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December 15, 2008


Will mom and dad ever be on Commandn?

I love that idea Paul! Amber and Jeff when will your parents be on the show? LOL

Steve "Snowball" Saylor
-The boy who was born a cartoon for commandN.tv

OK, that will be one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2009!

shenanigans on the whole episode
They was outside in the "cold" but i never seen there breath vapor ;)
Good episode BTW

@Lamon, Trust me it was cooold in Toronto last week. Very cold.

Steve "Snowball" Saylor
-The boy who was born a cartoon for commandN.tv

Just wanted to wish all our viewers Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas!

We have one more ep to be released early next week before Christmas, so check that out for some special segments, and after that we'll be returning the first week of January with new segments and a new ... (watch next ep to find out :-) ).

Thanks for watching!


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