Merci beaucoup to everyone for your comments on Episode #80. We have a few tidbits to share with everyone too:
Great news! Our friend Will Pate is going to be commandN's new co-host. You can find out more about Will at . He is the perfect tech geek (and we say that in a flattering way!) to join our team and we're very excited to have him on board. Will will (haha) bring some fresh new ideas to the show and help us in finding some new sponsors. Hot Stuff Lazazz has also promised to come back to do a segment every once in a while, so we're really looking forward to what's ahead for commandN!
And just so we can get everything in shape for Episode #81, we're taking next week off but we will be back March 5th with Will. We'll be playing around with the show's format (as we have been since Mike left) but we'll continue to bring you the best in tech.
On the muzikDEN side of things: Jeff is terribly busy with his tsunami reconstruction videos and will be travelling a lot over the next few months, so we've decided to do muzikDEN every two months instead of every month. He's already got some great segments completed for the next episode, so don't worry - muzikDEN is here to stay!