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January 29, 2007


Awesome show!!! :) I hope to get to Hali to hang with you soon!


P.S. Jeff - just did a Skype vid chat w/mom 'n dad in Sri Lanka...worked like a charm.

We'd love to have you down here, Amb - I'm not travelling to Sri Lanka until late March or perhaps April, so you should come to enjoy our balmy -30 C weather! ;-)


Hey guys!

I'm from toronto too, I have been a big fan since the first episode. Amber I have watched since your first episode of call for help until I got rid of tech tv. I was so excited that one day when I saw you got a job with City. I was trying to get co-op with city before a couple years back but I never went through with it, now im in applying for school at ryerson (film studies). Anyway I would love to hang out with any of the commandn crew sometime, im not too far from downtown either and soem of the guys at work (Staples) talk about CFH and other shows every once in a while. Anyway Keepy on rocking!

Great show. Keep it up.

Thanks for the comments, guys.

Our stats show a lot of viewers but it's always nice to hear from them firsthand :-) .

Keep on watchin'


ever run across mash-up artists (like Legion-Of-Doom: http://www.myspace.com/tlod) there in Canada?

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